Administrator Empowering Future Generations: The Dawn of Digitalization Begins with Children In the heart of Febe village, near Yaoundé, where the roads are less traveled due to their poor condition, a primary school stands as a testament to the resilience and commitment of its community. Des... Feb 28, 2024 Our blog
Administrator They donated laptops that make the world a little more inclusive A huge thank you goes out to our Lenovo team at Bechtle! They donated laptops that make the world a little more inclusive. The laptops were given to a facility in Cameroon that supports blind children... Feb 28, 2024 Our blog
Administrator A Step towards Worldkills The National Skills Competition organized by IT4Africa took place in Douala from October 25 to 27, 2023. The event was held at the Training Center Professional D'excellence De Douala and featured tale... Feb 28, 2024 Our blog
Administrator IT4Africa e.v and the Pan-African Institute for Development (IPD) have signed a groundbreaking partnership agreement IT4Africa e.v and the Pan-African Institute for Development (IPD) have signed a groundbreaking partnership agreement aimed at fostering cooperation in the field of ICT across Africa. The main objectiv... Jul 30, 2023 Our blog
IT4AFRICA e.V IT4AFRICA goes Solar with VET4AFRICA POST: IT4AFRICA Goes Solar with VET4AFRICA Great news for sustainability and progress! IT4AFRICA is taking a remarkable leap towards clean energy with our latest initiative, "IT4AFRICA Goes Solar with... Jul 22, 2023 Our blog
IT4AFRICA e.V Coding Camp for Kids in Douala with MBCODE Exciting news! IT4Africa is taking bold steps to empower the next generation with valuable digital skills and knowledge. We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with MBCODE to increase Coding Ca... Jul 22, 2023 Our blog
IT4AFRICA e.V IT4AFRICA creates Cisco Network Academy at JFN Institut of Technology in Douala We are thrilled to announce that IT4Africa has taken a momentous step in advancing technology education and skills development in Cameroon. Today, on July 22, 2023, IT4Africa proudly inaugurates the C... Jul 22, 2023 Our blog
Administrator Computer for disabled Kids As part of our ongoing commitment to empower and support marginalized communities, we have partnered with various organizations to provide specially designed computers to disabled children across Afri... Jul 22, 2023 Our blog
IT4AFRICA e.V IT4Africa Appointed to Implement WorldSkills in Cameroon In a significant development towards promoting skills development and vocational training in Cameroon, the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training has officially appointed IT4Africa e.V. to imp... Jul 22, 2023 Our blog
IT4AFRICA e.V For a world with a future - Collecting IT material for training in Africa Wildpoldsried: Vocational education for Africa – that's the idea behind the "VET4Africa" project, Vocational Education and Training 4 (for) Africa. Founded in 2018 under the patronage of German Develo... Jan 7, 2023 Our blog